It's here. My last night in Santiago. Yesterday and today have been great and filled with family time. In Chile there is a national holiday for the Feast day of Sts. Peter and Paul which is tomorrow and because this year it falls on a Tuesday they celebrate the no work part on Monday so as to not cut the week in a weird place. Ergo, more time with Mamita and Carlitos.
Although I've got quite a bit of studying and exam writing to do before tomorrow, I felt the need to write to all of you first, expressing my feelings, emotions, and blah blah.
Yesterday my extended family came over for lunch and it was by far the best yet. Not only in terms of food but in regards to the company. There weren't very many of us but it made me happy to eat our
pulpo or rather, octopus, in a nice, tranquil environment.

After all three courses (soup, salad, dessert) it was my turn to take the stage. At family dinners they usually ask me a couple of questions in the beginning and then just continue to talk amongst themselves as I listen on. Well I had just so happened to prepare a little poem for my family, namely Mamá, and when I found a break in the conversation I grabbed the opportunity. I pulled out my sheet and read it for her as she looked at me through teary eyes with love that a mother truly has for a daughter (believe me, I
know that look!). I wanted to get her something before I left and I knew that buying her something would not do justice to "pay her back" for all she has done for me these past five months, so I decided to be creative. After I read it for her in front of the family I got a compliment from Alicia! She has a hard time hearing in general, but on more than a few occasions as I have been talking to her she has made it known to me that I am not a native speaker. So to receive a compliment from her made me extra happy. I would write the poem for all of you to read but 1) it's ultra-cheesy and 2) it's full of inside jokes that you just wouldn't understand. Oh, and did I mention it's in Spanish? That could create some problems.

I sat at the table with them all day until it came time for
once around 7 pm. The only time I got up from the table was to get a jacket and then I came back to continue conversing with Alicia and Enrique. I had planned ahead and knew I was going to be reading at mass that night so I also practiced my reading for them to save myself a little bit of embarrassment (and sweat!) in front of everyone in church. And for those interested the reading went really well! Much better than the first time and I never imagined myself reading in Spanish in front of a large group of people! Who knew?

It was a really great day and it made me love each and every one of them even more. Today Carlos was at home due to the holiday so the four of us (Mamá, Carlitos, Alicia y Kelsey) all ate lunch together for the absolute last time (I don't like the sound of that). Mama bought Tomás Moro empanadas especially for me and I truly enjoyed my last lunch with her. I then had to pack my suitcase and take it to Casa Suecia where my friend Andrea is generously guarding it while I travel. What an angel. It was wierd saying goodbye to people! In fact, I don't like it very much. But as they say here,
así es la vida.
In exactly 24 hours I will be boarding a bus and (hopefully) leaving all of my schoolwork behind! I can't believe the travel plans I have coming up, God has been so good to me!

You stay classy, Santiago.
Kelsey Marie
worst day ever: saying goodbye to kelsey!!... but is okay... i know she's going to visit me and vice versa
ReplyDeleteright?? jeje
love u <3