This, my final post (at least for now), is dedicated to all of you readers out there. My coming home was a remarkable event with my mom and my aunt LaVon
surprising me at the airport in Chicago yesterday. I had been planning on taking the Badger Bus back to good old Dutch Mill Park 'n Ride when I saw a sign that said in broken spanish, "Welcome home, Kelsey!" shaking at the bottom of the escalator. The reunion with my family and friends has been wonderful and I thank all of you for being faithful readers and enjoying all of my crazy adventures with me!

To study abroad in Santiago may have been the smartest decision I have ever made and if any of you are thinking of doing the same I strongly encourage it! Chile is the perfect study abroad country and I couldn't have paid for a better experience elsewhere.
I hope to see some of you soon and if not it has been great sharing my experiences with all of you! There is now only one thing left to do and it entails a lot of laundry.
It's been fun and I've hope you have enjoyed reading as much as I've enjoyed writing!
Take care,
Kelsey Marie
this actually makes me a little bit sad